The little handmade button came from Shabby Shack, an online Australian store which has the most gorgeous bits and pieces. I get a daily email from them with some great deals.
Today my DH and I went to Lilydale to check out a shed, it's finally coming together. So naturally while there we visited the Stitch N Patch shop, I had a lovely browse while the better half took a look across the road in the Antique shop.
Don't know who got the better deal - I picked up some lovely bits n pieces including the little redwood hanger for this stitchery while DH walked in with 'another' vintage Singer - boy did that cause a few laughs in the shop - I have to admit that it is quite cute.
We then had a restful afternoon. I'm tiring easily at the moment.
Now the girls are decorating the Christmas tree while I relax and listen to some cds of Christmas songs - lovely.
Happy sewing
Jennifer. Are you okay? That's two posts in three days! LOL! Your stitchery is lovely. That design of Gail's is just lovely.
I did think that myself - maybe I should have scheduled it to appear six months from now 😃
Been home for two weeks recovering, and finally got the energy to start back with life. Will do more stitcheries, just enjoy the process. Cheers Jen
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